Terms & Conditions

(as of 01/01/2018)


By confirming a booking with Irish Delivery Services, you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions.


Where we use the words ‘You’ or ‘Your’ it means the customer, and where we use the words ‘We’, ‘Us’ or ‘Our’ it means our business, Irish Delivery Services. When referring to ‘the goods’ we mean your property that we have been hired to transport.



1. The Quote

Unless otherwise stated the quote is a fixed price. In the event of a quote being given as an hourly rate, fees are charged starting from arrival at the collection address and ending when we complete unloading. The time taken is rounded up to the nearest half an hour (eg. 8am, 8:30am, 9am).We may either increase or decrease the quote given if any of the following have not been taken into account when preparing our quotation and confirmed by us in writing:


i) We have to collect or deliver goods to floors higher than those agreed, in writing, at the time of booking.

ii) Additional services are supplied, including moving or storing extra goods. These conditions will also apply to these services.

iii) Inadequate access preventing free movement of the goods without mechanical equipment or structural alteration, or the approach, road or drive prevents our vehicles and/or containers to load and/or unload within 20 metres of the doorway, meaning that we have to do extra work.

iv) Any parking fees, fines (unless unreasonably incurred),road tolls or other charges that we have to pay in order to carry out services on your behalf.



2. Work Excluded from the Quote


Unless agreed by us in writing and charged appropriately, the following items are not considered as part of our standard quote process:


i) Dismantle or assemble any flat-pack furniture or fittings. We are available to handle the disassembly and assembly of your furniture pieces, however this will attract an additional charge.

ii) Disconnect or reconnect appliances, fixtures, fittings or electrical equipment.

iii) Take up or lay fitted floor coverings.

iv) Move storage heaters (unless previously dismantled).

v) Move items from an attic (unless well illuminated with safe access via a staircase).

vi) Move plants/plant containers unless agreed in advance.

vii) Move or store any items excluded under clause 4.



3. Your Responsibility


It will be your own responsibility and, where relevant, at your expense to:


i) Declare to us valuations of all goods being removed and/or stored.

ii) Insure the goods submitted for removal and/or storage against all insurable risks unless we protect furniture ourselves.

iii) Obtain all paperwork (licences, permits, etc.) necessary for the removals job to be completed.

iv) To be present or represented throughout the whole removals process.

v) Take all reasonable steps to ensure that nothing is left behind or taken away in error.

vi) Arrange protection for goods left in unattended premises or where other people not bound by these terms and conditions will be present. We offer secure storage where required at an additional fee.

vii) Prepare, pack and stabilise all electric equipment prior to its removal.

viii) Empty, defrost completely and clean refrigerators and freezers.

ix) Provide us with a correspondence address.




4. Non-submission of certain Goods for Delivery / Home Removal or Storage


The following items are excluded from this contract:


i) Jewelry, watches, trinkets, precious stones or metals, money, deeds, securities, stamps, coins or goods or collections of any similar kind.

ii) Items, which have potential to damage, explode or are dangerous including gas bottles, aerosols, paints, firearms and ammunition.

iii) Prohibited or stolen goods.

iv) Controlled drugs.

v) Plants or goods which may be likely to encourage vermin, pests or cause infestation. This is for storage clients.

vi) Foodstuffs, Alcohol or liquids.

vii) Any pets or animals (including reptiles, fish and birds) whether in cage, tank or animal carrier.

viii) Goods, which require government permission or licence for export or import. Any of the above-listed goods will not be removed by us except with our prior written agreement. If these goods are removed we will not accept liability for loss or damage wholly or mainly attributable to the special nature of the goods concerned. If such goods are removed without our knowledge and prior written consent we will not be liable for any loss or damage and you will indemnify us against any charges, expenses, damages or penalties claimed against us. Furthermore, we would have the right to dispose of goods which are listed under paragraphs 4 ii), 4 iii), 4  iv), 4  v) and 4 vi) without notice.




5. The Goods


You declare, upon signature of this contract, that:


i) All goods to be removed and / or stored are your own property or,

ii) you have been given the authority to make this contract by the person(s) who own or have an interest in the goods and that they have been made aware of these conditions. You will meet any claims for damages and / or costs against us if these statements are not true.



6. Fees if you postpone or cancel the Delivery / Home Removal / Our Service


Fees are made if an agreed contract is postponed or cancelled. Fees are as follows:


i) Cancellations made less than 24 hours before the job start time, our cancellation fee is a minimum 50% of the quote given.

ii) Cancellations made 5 working days before the job start time may also incur a cancellation fee of 50% of the quote given depending on the size and scale of the job, the prior financial outlay by us etc. The charging of this fee is at the discretion of Irish Delivery Services.


7. Payment of the Delivery / Home Removal / Our Service


Unless otherwise agreed by us in writing:


i) Payment is required to be paid by cash, Revolut, EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) or by using one of our card terminals upon delivery.

ii) Acceptance of an EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) as payment is at the discretion of the driver at time of payment.

iii) You may not withhold any part of the agreed price, unless we have breached our agreement with you.

iv) If we have never dealt with you or your company before, we have the right to ask for payment solely in cash. Upon building a working relationship with you, we can facilitate other methods of payment.



8. Our Liability for Loss or Damage to your Goods


The limitations of our liability for loss or damage are set out in clause 8 i) below. It is possible to increase the liability of our own insurance policy to cover your goods, as set out in clause 8 ii) below, at an additional cost to the customer. Please seek our prior written consent to increase our liability in advance of carrying out the removal

and/or storage.


i) If we are liable, we will pay up to a maximum sum of €100 for each item, which is lost or damaged, in the event of our losing or damaging your goods.

ii) We may repair or replace an item, which is damaged. However, if an item is repaired we will not be held liable for depreciation in value.

iii) Always subject to receiving your itemised valued inventory and request in writing to increase our liability, prior to the removal and/ or storage commencing, we may offer to extend our maximum liability to the value

declared by you to us. You may already have insurance cover for your move under your home contents policy so we advise you check with your insurers. If it is your intention to use your home contents policy to cover your

goods, please advise us in advance.


For the purposes of clauses 8 i), 8 ii) and 8 iii), an item is defined as any one article or set of articles.


iv) We will not be liable for any loss, damage or failure to produce the goods if caused by any of the following reasons:


a) Fire.

b) War, hostilities, terrorism, Act of God, industrial action or other such events outside our reasonable control.

c) Normal wear and tear or deterioration, leakage or evaporation or from unstable or perishable goods.

d) Infestation by moth, vermin or anything similar.

e) Cleaning, repairing or restoring goods, unless undertaken by ourselves.

f) Goods not packed by us, including those in wardrobes, drawers, or appliances, or in a package, bundle,

case or other container.

g) Electrical / mechanical faults to any appliance or mechanical instrument, unless there is evidence of external impact.

h) To jewelry, watches, trinkets, precious stones or metals, money, deeds, securities, stamps, coins or goods or collections of any similar kind, unless we have confirmed in writing that we accept responsibility as in conditions 8 i) or 8 iii) above and you have given us description and value of those articles.

i) Any goods already proven defective or goods, which are inherently defective.

j) To pets or animals (including reptiles, fish and birds) whether in cage, tank or animal carrier.

k) To plants or plant containers.

l) To refrigerated or frozen food or drink.

m) The data, files, software or digital contents of any computer or similar device.


v) We will not be liable for any damages or costs occurred as a result of loss, damage or failure to produce the goods, other than by reason of our negligence or a lack of reasonable care and skill on our part. We will in all instances use a reasonable level of care and skill in accordance with the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1980, and Consumer rights under that Act are not restricted by these terms.


vi) No employee of Irish Delivery Services shall be separately liable to you for any loss, damage, errors or omissions, unless acting outside the scope of their employment.


vii) We do not accept any liability for any goods transported to or from IKEA. We cannot objectively verify if items that have been packaged by IKEA or opened by the customer after purchase, have been damaged or have fault/s in them.The damage of fault/s may not be clearly observable through its packaging. Our insurance does not cover any goods from IKEA.



9. Claim Procedure and Time Limitations


i) Any loss, damage or failure to produce goods we are delivering must be noted at the time of delivery, wherever reasonable. You hereby agree to examine the goods within 48 hours following delivery or collection and to notify us immediately in writing of any missing or damaged items. You may make a written request for more time for compliance with this clause. Such a request shall not be unreasonably refused provided it is received

within 48 hours of delivery or collection by us. 

ii) Notwithstanding clause 8, we will not be liable for any loss of or damage to the goods unless you notify us in writing as soon as such loss or damage is discovered (or with reasonable diligence ought to have been discovered) and in any event within 5 working days of collection or delivery of the goods by us. 

iii) The time limits referred to in clauses 9 i) and 9 ii) above shall be essential to the contract.

iv) You may make a written request to extend your time for compliance with clause 9 ii). Such a request shall not be unreasonably refused provided it is received within seven days of collection or delivery of the goods by

us. This is an exact repetition of the second part of part i) above.



10. Delays in Transit (Collection or Delivery)


i) We are not liable for delays in transit other than by reason of our own negligence or a lack of reasonable care and skill on our part.

ii) If we are unable to deliver the goods through no fault of our own, we will endeavour to contact you and make other arrangements. It may be necessary for us to take the goods into storage. Our contract will be fulfilled once goods are taken into storage and the reasonable costs of storage and further delivery, etc will be the customer’s responsibility.




11. Damage to Property other than the Goods


i) For property other than those goods submitted for removal and / or storage we will only be liable for damage where it can be proven that we have been negligent or acted without reasonable care and skill.

ii) If it is the case that we advise against moving certain goods as it will inevitably cause damage but you give us your express instruction to move said goods and damage is caused, we shall not accept that we were negligent or acted without reasonable care and skill.

iii) For property other than those goods submitted for removal and / or storage, where we are responsible for causing damage, you must note this on the delivery receipt wherever reasonable to do so. This is essential to the contract.




12. Sub-contracting of Delivery / Home Removal / Our Service


i) We reserve the right to sub-contract some or all of the work you have hired us to do.

ii) In the event that we sub-contract, these terms and conditions will still apply.


13. Route and Method of Delivery/ Home Removal / Our Service


i) We have the right to choose the route for delivery.

ii) We generally give a customer 2 route options, one including road tolls and one excluding road tolls but this is at our discretion. It is the customers obligation to pay the toll fee/s and they will be added to your bill.

iii) Unless it has been specifically agreed in writing on our quotation, other space/volume/capacity on our vehicles and/or the container may be utilised for consignments of other customer’s goods.



14. Student / Over 65’s Discount


Our Student / Over 65’s Discount (as advertised) is only valid:


i) When the discount is mentioned in the initial communication (phone call, text, email) to Irish Delivery Services. This must be verified in writing by one of our staff.

ii) When a current, valid, photographic ID is presented on request by the driver or representative of Irish Delivery Services.

iii) When the distance from collection to delivery is less than 50 kilometres.

iv) and at the discretion of the driver.



15. Advice and Information


Advice and information in whatever form it may be given is provided by the company for the customer only. All emails and correspondence between Irish Delivery Services and the customer (including text messages) are for the use of the customer only.



16. Moving Tips


Please read and note many of our helpful moving tips which can be found here.